65+ Elopement Activity Ideas

65+ Elopement Activity Ideas

February 15, 2024
February 15, 2024

You and your partner realized that the traditional wedding isn’t your idea of a perfect wedding, and you want to elope! First off, hell yeah- you’re epic! Secondly, you’ve made the right choice! Choosing to elope means opening the door to endless opportunities, but with so much freedom, how does someone plan such an epic elopement? Here are over 65 elopement activity ideas that you can include in your magical elopement to create a surreal experience!

What to do during an elopement

So, what is an adventurous elopement?

This is my favorite question to answer because most people haven’t heard of this, or think of eloping as going to a small park or the courthouse (spoiler alert- I won’t be going to any courthouses.) An adventurous elopement is exactly what it sounds like- an epic day filled with new experiences, the things you and your partner love, and surreal scenery! While you don’t have to chase an adrenaline rush in your wedding dress to have an adventurous elopement, couples typically make their elopement day all about seeing the sights in a beautiful destination, planning activities throughout their big day, and most importantly- sharing those experiences as a couple without distraction.
No more stress, expectations, or pressure (because no couple should feel any of these things on their big day!) just a day (or multiple!) filled with excitement, laughter, and love. You can celebrate however your heart desires- whether that’s just the two of you or your closest friends and family! You can learn more about the misconceptions of eloping and the top 5 reasons couples should elope here!

What a Typical Adventurous Elopement Looks Like:

“Typical” is used very lightly, because elopements are such a personal, unique way to celebrate marriage, and no two elopement adventures are the same! However, most couples plan a day full of places they’ve always dreamed of seeing, activities they have always wanted to try, stops at local restaurants and bars- all while their photographer documents the moments! (And no, you don’t have to wear your wedding attire the entire day!)
Not an early bird? No worries, because you can plan for your elopement later in the day and even continue your adventures after the sun goes down!
Really want to experience a Colorado sunrise on top of a mountain? You can wake up before the rest of the world and hike to the perfect spot so that you and your partner can share your emotional vows with one another as the sun comes up!
The best part about eloping is there is no right or wrong way to elope- you just plan the best day of your life, and live it with your soulmate!

dreamy beach elopement

100 Ideas You can Include in your Epic Elopement:

Ideas for the Adventurous Couples-

  • Plan an early morning hike to watch the sunrise
  • Plan an overnight camping trip in the mountains
  • Book a helicopter tour in your destination
  • Plan an off-roading tour through the mountains
  • Go kayaking
  • Go scuba diving
  • Go paragliding
  • Go skydiving
  • Go mountain biking
  • Go rafting
  • Go ziplining
  • Go sandboarding
  • Go bungy jumping
  • Go rappelling down a mountain (I’ll stay at the bottom, this is one of the few things I’m not brave enough to do.)
  • Go hang gliding
  • Swim with sharks (One of my bucket list activities for an elopement!)
  • Go horseback riding through the mountains (I have been in the equestrian world my entire life- this is another bucket list activity for an elopement!)
  • Go canyoneering
  • Go surfing
Elopement Activity Ideas

Ideas for the Relaxed Couples-

  • Take a stroll down the beach
  • Make your bouquet out of wildflowers in your destination
  • Watch the sunrise or sunset in a scenic location
  • Paint together
  • Soak in a hot spring
  • Ride on a sailboat
  • Star gaze
  • Enjoy a drink at a beachside bar
  • Bring your dog(s)
  • Sit by a bonfire
  • Soak in a hot tub at your Airbnb
  • Go horseback riding on the beach (another horse-related bucket list activity for an elopement!)
  • Start your morning at a local coffee shop
  • Go to a winery
  • Create an anniversary box with notes, wine, letters from friends and family, etc. to open on your anniversary!
  • Go fishing
  • Go snorkeling

Ideas for the Foodie Couples-

  • Hire a private chef
  • Cook breakfast together
  • Cook dinner together
  • Go to a fancy resturaunt
  • Bake a small wedding cake for the two of you
  • Have a picnic in a scenic location (Leave No Trace!)
Ideas for a city elopement

Ideas for the Couples Eloping in the City-

  • Get tattoos
  • Stroll the city streets after the sun sets
  • Play pool at a local bar
  • Go dancing at a local bar
  • Visit an arcade
  • Go bowling
  • Go roller skating
  • Visit an Aquarium or Amusement Park

Ideas for Couples Eloping in the Winter-

  • Go sledding
  • Ride a snowmobile
  • Build a snowman
  • Go ice skating
  • Ride in a sleigh
  • Go snow shoeing
  • Go skiing
  • Go snowboarding

Ideas for Couples Eloping Outside of the United States-

  • Go island hopping in the Galapagos Islands, Ecuador
  • Hike and kayak in the rainforest of Costa Rica
  • Go on a safari in Kenya
  • Hike the Nakasendo Trail in Japan
  • Watch the northern lights on the Lofoten Islands in Norway
  • Visit Cappadocia and watch the sky fill with hot air balloons
  • Visit the Great Wall of China
  • Hike the Milford Track in New Zealand
  • Take a boat from Patagonia to Antarctica
  • Visit the Trölltunga in Norway
Eloping in Europe

The most important part about your elopement is that whatever you make a part of your experience aligns with the two of you! You’re stepping away from the traditional wedding because it didn’t feel like you, so make sure that you will enjoy and remember every second of your epic elopement!
See something on this list that sounds like an epic adventure, or have your own unique idea for your elopement? Let’s connect and document the adventure!